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The research group Metamorphosis of the Transcendental is centered on the seminar Idealism and transcendental philosophy, held annually at the PhD School of Philosophy of the University of Padua.


The research activity was born and developed on two main research trajectories:

1) Classical German philosophy, with particular attention to the work of Fichte and Hegel, up to the crisis of Idealism in the thought of Bradley in England, Lask in Germany and Gentile in Italy.

2) Structuralism and Post-Structuralism in the tradition of French thought between 1960s and 1990s (from Simondon to Deleuze, from Althusser to Foucault).

In recent years, these two fundamental lines have been enriched on one hand by the study of Husserlian Phenomenological tradition, with particular attention to the work of Aron Gurwitsch and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, on the other hand by a new approach to the ecological crisis, declined in a jurisprudential way.

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